To find out more about the methodology we used check our open-access Amsterdam on Foot thesis HERE

How walkable is your city?

Is your neighborhood designed for pedestrians?
Do you feel encouraged and safe to walk around your home?
Do the streets have too much traffic and not enough trees?
This is what the interactive CTstreets Map seeks to highlight.

  • It uses granular population, location, and pedestrian network data from open sources to estimate how walkable each street is.

  • It has been designed through a participatory approach involving urban experts who live and work in Amsterdam

  • It estimates the degree of walkability for the 5 and 15-minute walking areas from each housing block in Amsterdam, revealing neighborhoods that encourage walking and exposing disparities in walkability.


[Νοv. 2023]
The family of CTwalk is growing. CTstreets is now available online!

Open Data

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Residential data

The Dutch Central Bureau of Statistics (Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek, 2020) is used to collect granular residential data at a 100 × 100 m2 grid level. Our residential data concern the year 2020.

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Pedestrian network, amenities, and urban furniture

OpenStreetMap (OSM) is an open-source mapping platform containing worldwide geographical data, to collect data at street level. Through the OSMnx package, we used OSM to extract walkable streets, by setting the network type to “walk”. In this way, streets categories unrelated to pedestrian movement such as motorways, service roads and cycleways are excluded. OSM data were collected in November 2021. Additionally, it was used to collect amenities and urban furniture (e.g., benches) along city streets.

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Street objects and sidewalk data

The Dutch Basisregistratie Grootschalige Topografie (BGT) database is used to collect street objects and sidewalk-related data. The data from BGT claim to be accurate to within 20 centimeters and contains many details, as you see in reality. Think of trees, roads, buildings, in short: the design of the physical environment. These data concern the year 2021

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Lighting, speed limits, safety, and more...

The Open data portal of the municipality of Amsterdam (AOD) , was used to retrieve data that exist explicitly for Amsterdam. These data include information about the street lighting, speed limits, crime levels, traffic safety levels, perceived safety levels, sidewalk maintenance, pedestrian areas, and parking.

From greenspaces to amenities

A variety of data were collected from the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM)
including trees, bushes, amenities, benches, green coverage, parks, plazas, width of the sidewalk and obstacles.


Designing a city-specific walkability index through a participatory approach

We studied the literature and made a list of all the factors that are most commonly found to impact Walkability.



We interviewed 10 urban planners, decision-makers, and walkability advocates who work in Amsterdam, using the Q-methodology.
We asked them to prioritize the aforementioned walkability factors while considering the characteristics and citizens of Amsterdam.



First, we estimate the degree to which each factor affects walkability using the results of the q-methodology.
Second, we cluster our factors in themes based on the discussion with the experts (e.g., factors related to landscape, or to proximity).
Third, we create overall walkability scores, and scores per theme.
Having those scores we can finally... visualize them!



The Layers

There are 2 primary layers that can be toggled on and off in the upper left of the map.

The walkable street network: The walkable street network that shows the walkability per street.

Residential Data: People's residences at a spatial resolution of 100x100m2 (CBS data). This shows how walkable the streets within a 5 or 15-minute walk from people's homes are.

The walksheds

Hovering over the CTstreets Map will display the 5 and 15-minute walksheds.

To switch between the 5 and 15-minute walksheds, click the “5 minutes” or “15 minutes” buttons in the upper left of the map, respectively.

Street-based walkability scores

When clicking on a street segment a popup will open displaying the walkability score of this street. Clicking on "more details" inside the popup allows you to see the walkability scores per theme (e.g., landscape, traffic safety, crime safety, etc.).

In addition, you can select an option from the buttons on the left to visualize a specific walkability theme. Then, when you click on a street you will see the score based on this theme. When you click on "more details" inside the popup you can see exactly what factors were considered to create this score.

Area-based walkability scores

Clicking on the will display the walkability scores per area. The areas are determined based on all the streets you can walk with 5 or 15 minutes from the location you have clicked, depending on if you have clicked the 5 or 15-minute buttons located at the top left.

When you click on any area in the map a popup will appear showing its walkability score. This score is calculated based on every street within the area.

If you zoom in, you can see in greater detail the exact 5 or 15-minute area and the streets that lie within. Similarly as before, you can also see the different scores based on each theme and further explore the factors that lead to these scores by clicking inside the popups on "more details"

Spider Chart

Lastly, while hovering over the street layer you can find on the bottom left a screen a spider chart that shows the street's walkability scores per theme.


CTstreets Map is an interactive web tool, inspired by CTwalk Map, and developed through the collaborative efforts of Vasileios Milias and Matias Cardoso during their respective doctoral and master's studies.

CTstreets' Team

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Vasileios Milias
PhD Candidate | Urban Analytics Lab

> Personal Website: VMilias
> Linkedin: vmilias
> Github: MiliasV

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Matias Cardoso
MSc. Metropolitan Analysis, Design and Engineering

> Linkedin: matiascardoso
> Github: matias-cs

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Delft University of Technology